Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The physical access control security Research Paper

The physical access control security - Research Paper Example Acumen Legal service is a firm that deals with consultancy of issues of family and divorce, which are private and confidential As such, information should only be accessed by authorized personnel. The organization has instilled various security measures that restrict physical access to the information, which can be used to harm the clients. The aim of this essay is to describe the physical security measures at the workplace and their weaknesses. The door at the entrance of the building or an office is the key access point. The operator controls the main door and opens it after the guard and the electronic system have checked the entrants to the building. The offices at the workplace have an electronic access control door, which has a standalone electric lock and a reader unlocks it. The readers; a keypad where a code is entered transmits the number of the card to the control panel of access that validates the number against the access list (Fenelly, 2001). The exit door is not controlled but only the entry of the door. The company did away with the closed circuit television (CCTV) and employed the use of automated systems using video to monitor the movement of individuals within and twenty yards around the work area. Review occurs in case an attack occurs and proper action is taken. The shots taken by the camera are usually transmitted on the computer networks (Fenelly, 2001). The shots taken are digitalized and become data, which is easier to store, manage and restrict access, than in the previous format. The people who have authority to access the area in which computers are kept should be restricted. This is because of theft, vandalism and unauthorized access of the workplace and systems. The control access system handles different categories of personnel, each who have different conditions of success in the workplace. They include operators and system users who work in the secure area regularly, engineers and support staffs that need access on occasions and

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